Work Culture in the Creative Field

We often hear from people that they feel misused at their company or by their clients. This is not only restricted to the creative field, but could be felt by any individual in their professional life.

Below is a series I created keeping in mind the work culture in the creative field. This is a depiction of what we face with almost every other client. Their demands never match their compensation, and there is always an unrealistic expectation that is frustrating to another level.

I believe that we are so indulged in our professional lives, that the whole time frame of working from 9 - 5 seems unreal. We might start work at 9, but it definitely ends when it actually ends. I remember I used to feel so guilty while leaving the office at 5, even though it is not something to feel guilty about. Eventually, I started staying back at the office to finish off work and feel less guilty. This is what people end up doing.

What I’ve learnt now is to note down my tasks for the day, and wrap them up at a reasonable time to not get extremely worked up.

Hope you found yourself relating to these. :)


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