Why does this website exist?

Have you ever worked at a company where all the skills you knew were not completely utilized because nobody actually knew what you’re capable of doing? And every time you tried to utilize your skills, you were sent right back to finish your work . . .

I’ve worked at a lot of places, and I’ve always felt I am more than just a 9 - 5 monotonous routine. Not going to lie, I learnt a lot at all the places I worked at, and made great contacts at the same time, but there was always something in me that wanted to do more. So, after my last job, and a million annoying interviews later, I decided to create a platform for myself, where I can showcase my capabilities in the best way possible.

The creative field is so vast, I do not want to just restrict myself to Design, or Marketing alone. Specially at the time when newer things are introduced in the field almost on a daily basis, it seems like a wise choice to keep yourself updated with the trends in the industry, and offer your clients services tailored according to the industry demands.

Stay tuned for more!


World’s Craziest Interviews - Part One


Work Culture in the Creative Field